News Story
Read the main takeaways from IFRPI research brief on improving natural resource management and community connections in Burkina Faso and Niger.
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The Biochar Summit was the opportunity to interact with pyrolysis units used for biochar production during the study visits.
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This project in Northern Nigeria has revealed the potential of indigenous tree species in reducing climate-induced hardships, which can play a significant role in local development, promoting a green recovery, and mitigating climate change.
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Food Systems
SIANI Global meeting on the challenges, opportunities, and pathways for transforming food systems to be sustainable, equitable and more resilient.
Blog Post
It is imperative to shift away from conventional livestock practices and identify the key players needed to identify and deliver deforestation- and conversion-free livestock supply chains
Food Systems
how scientists can work together to transform food systems
News Story
How can the new Global Biodiversity Framework be a transformative moment for nature and people? That is the question Focali-SIANI, Swedbio and CSPR at Linköping University, posed to a diverse panel of experts from policy and practice who participated in the COP15 in which the Framework was negotiated.
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Food Systems
SIANI annual meeting brings together members to discuss how to contribute to shaping the dialogue around rights-based and sustainable food systems, and launch the new phase of SIANI, with the focus on transforming our food systems into more resilient and inclusive in times of recurring crises.