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27 May 2013
Organisation Rothamstead Research

On soil carbon sequestration to mitigate climate change: potentials and drawbacks

Global farmers face an enormous challenge to satisfy a rapidly growing demand for food, feed, fibres and fuels. At the same time the environmental sustainability of production methods is being questioned. Farmers have to simultaneously cut greenhouse gas emissions, nutrient leakages, reduce and replace fossil fuel energy, improve biodiversity and still be profitable enough to be economically sustainable in the long term.

In this open seminar, international and national researchers will share their knowledge and views on how carbon capture by grasslands, perennial crops, growing trees in the agricultural landscape and how new feeding strategies of cattle can contribute to increasing soil fertility, mitigating global climate change and have an overall positive environmental impact. There are different strategies for fixing carbon in soils through changing agricultural practices and this seminar will give some perspectives on how we can optimise carbon capture in agriculture. We will also discuss how to mitigate current emissions and even avoid emissions through looking at our food consumption patterns.

Moderator: Dr. Christel Cederberg, Adj. Professor at Chalmers and SIK, Gothenburg

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Six Feet Under

Global farmers face an enormous challenge to satisfy a rapidly growing demand for food, feed, fibres and fuels. At the same time the environmental sustainability of production methods is being...

24 May 2013
Stockholm, Sweden