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Opportunities and jobs

Calls for proposals, jobs and funding opportunities in our network.


Call for membership: Action Group on addressing the drivers of AMR in India, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Tanzania: A Quadrinational One Health Initiative for a Sustainable Solution

Objective The primary objective of the Action Group is to comprehensively reduce AMR burden transmitted by food chains from poultry to human through active engagement with poultry farmers,...


IFC Food Loss and Waste Management Training of Trainers (TOT)

IFC’s Food Loss and Waste (FLW) Management TOT Training is an opportunity for Food Loss and Waste experts who may be involved in future IFC FLW advisory services to existing and potential IFC...

Slutdatum8 November 2024


Open internal call Shape the Future of Food: 4 MSEK for Postdoctoral Projects at KTH FOOD

This call invites innovative, multidisciplinary research proposals that engage at least three faculty members from different KTH Departments or Schools. With a total funding of 4 MSEK, we will...

Slutdatum14 November 2024


EIT Food Impact Funding Framework

European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) launched a competitive, open Impact Funding Framework to promote ambitious, long-term collaboration that will lead to food systems change to...

Slutdatum21 November 2024


European Commission call: Boosting digital skills in agriculture

This topic aims at contributing to the target of reaching 20 million ICT specialists in the EU by 2030, while promoting gender convergence, as set in the Digital Decade Policy Programme. Gains...

Slutdatum2 December 2024


Contributor invitation to a Research Topic of the Journal ’Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems’

Contributor invitation to a manuscript to a Research Topic of the Journal 'Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems' (Impact Factor: 3.7) on the topic, "Indigenous and Local Knowledge for Adaptive...

Slutdatum1 January 2025


Grants available to protect Environment, improve Food Production and promote Public Health

The Conservation, Food and Health Foundation is seeking applications to protect the environment, improve food production, and promote public health in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America,...