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Introducing: Expert Group on Agriculture Transformation in Low-Income Countries

There is a growing need for a deepened knowledge among different stakeholders in Sweden and globally about the need for a transition of the agriculture sector to an approach based on biodiversity and ecosystem services (as for example biological control, water regulation, nutrient circulation processes) and on local knowledge, creativity and initiative combined with cross-learning over networks. This expert group can also see the importance of a deepened policy dialogue in the Swedish context that could also have implications on the global level. The theme is broad in order to handle complex systems, with different scales in focus (from actions on farm fields, to the scale where global regulations are formed).

This expert group will focus on five main activities; a pilot project with resilience assessments of small scale farms in Brazil, a workshop on how to scale up good examples, a seminar about what makes agriculture truly sustainable for food security in a changing climate, a policy brief about how to use an agro-ecological approach to put “Planetary boundaries” into practice and finally an application for future funding.

For more information on this group contact Karin Höök, Senior Expert, Global Agriculture and Food Security, Swedish Society for Nature Conservation.

Planned activities:

Workshop on “scaling-up good examples”: During the workshop experiences from “good examples” will be presented and discussions will be held about how “good examples” can be scaled up in collaboration between NGOs and research institutions. The work is done in collaboration with SIANIS´s theme 1. Sustainable agriculture production and food security (cooperation between SIANI and SLU Global). Date: August 28-29.

Report: Resilience assessement of the work of Centro Ecologico in Brazil (farms in three areas in Brazil).

Policy brief: How to feed nine billion within the planet’s boundaries: the need for an agroecological approach

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