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8 November 2023

KSLA: Production, Food Security and Sustainability

Photo by Jan Kopřiva on Unsplash

The first part of the seminar ”Production, Food Security and Sustainability – Challenges and opportunities for EU’s and Sweden’s agriculture” will take its starting point from the EU policies on sustainable agriculture, agriculture competitiveness and food security. Reflections on EU policies will be made from different perspectives, partly subject-wise, partly geographical.

Part two of the seminar will be about how agriculture and the food industry in Sweden are affected by the EU’s policies and the global environment, but also about what strategies exist to meet the challenges.


Moderator: Cecilia Nordin van Gansberghe

12.00 Lunch

13.00 Introduction Cecilia Nordin van Gansberghe* Part I Geopolitics, climate, environmental policy – scene and impact (in English)

13.10 Keynote: Reflections on EU agricultural production and trade in the light of geopolitical tensions and environmental challenge Mr Gijs Schilthuis, Head of Unit Policy Perspectives, European Commission DG Agriculture and Rural Development

13.40 Global reflections on the EU policy on sustainable production, competitiveness, and food security Robert L Thomphson*, Professor emeritus, University of Illinois

14.00 EU policy on sustainable agricultural production, competitiveness of production and food security from a geopolitical perspective Charlotta Rodhe, Acting Deputy Director and Analyst at Stockholm Centre for Eastern European Studies (SCEEUS) at UI

14.15 EU policy on sustainable agricultural production, competitiveness of production and food security from a sustainability perspective Linda Bell, Head of Department, Formas

14.30 Reflections and questions Cecilia Nordin Van Gansberghe*, Moderator

14.40 Coffee break Part 2 (på svenska) Hur påverkas svenskt jordbruk och livsmedelsindustri av utvecklingen? (What’s the impact on Swedish agriculture och food industry?)

15.10 Lars-Erik Lundkvist, Lantbrukarnas Riksförbund, LRF (Federation of Swedish Farmers)

15.25 Patrik Strömer, Livsmedelsföretagen (Swedish Food Industry Federation)

15.40 Landsbygds- och infrastrukturdepartementet

15.55  Reflektioner från KSLA:s CAP-kommitté,

Closing remarks


Register here


Från 8 november 2023 vid 12:00 till 8 november 2023


Hybrid, KSLA, rottninggatan 95B, Stockholm, and Zoom