In October 2023, CFS asked HLPE to conduct a study on “Preserving, Strengthening, and Promoting Indigenous Peoples’ Food and Knowledge Systems and Traditional Practices for Sustainable Food Systems.”
This specialised course delves into the intricate relationship between pastures, grazing resources, sustainable pastoralism, rangeland ecosystems, and effective governance strategies.
The SIANI and Sida seminar at Järvaveckan discussed youth and entrepreneurs as important drivers in the transformation of our broken food system.
Jennie Barron, Professor Agricultural Water Management at SLU discusses the impact of variability in rainfall on local and global food markets, emphasising the importance of irrigation for food security and the economic interest of farmers.
The workshop at the Summit discussed emerging health risks in the food chain, emphasizing effective communication and highlighting the complexities of food safety and sustainability, with pesticides as an example. Key messages and recommendations can be found in a policy brief.
The article summarises the main findings of the HLPE-FSN report on financing constraints for food security and nutrition, providing innovative financing tools to accelerate progress on SDG Targets 2.1 and 2.2, along with implementation guidance.
The weAdapt's Youth and Intergenerational Climate Justice Theme aims to amplify young voices in addressing the climate crisis and to increase their participation in climate change initiatives.
The report shows how U-PU areas impact food systems, influencing production, distribution and consumption patterns worldwide, and offers practical recommendations for policymakers to enhance sustainable and equitable food security outcomes in U-PU areas.
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