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4 November 2020

Focali annual meeting 2020

– contribute to an exchange on forests, climate and livelihood issues!

Focali members Laura Kmoch and Harry Fischer. Photo: Anna Hedlund

Welcome to join the Focali annual meeting 2020, which this year will be a fully online event! We live in times of interlinked crises which should be a strong wake-up call on our interdependence with nature as well as the need for broader and stronger collaboration across geographical regions, sectors, and disciplines to meet the challenges and find a sustainable future. At this Focali annual meeting we will dig into some of the challenges related to forests, landscape, biodiversity, climate and livelihoods and discuss what role we can play ahead.

The event is open to all Focali members, partners and friends working within the areas of forests, climate, landscape and livelihood issues. We hope that as many as possible can join and contribute to the knowledge exchange, networking and dialogues during this two-day event!

Nov 4: 10:00-12:15, and 13:30-14:00
Nov 5: 10:00-12:15, and 13:30-14:15

See the full program and registration at the Focali website

Register to the event no later than November 2nd.


From 4 November 2020 at 10:00 to 5 November 2020 at 14:15



Hosted by



Day 1: November 4, 10:00-12:15 and 13:30-14:00

2020: The Year of the Converging Crises – Multidisciplinarity key to solve entangled challenges
– Key note: Grace Wong, Researcher, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University: Politics, power and precarity in changing forests: Challenges for research
Torsten Krause,  Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies – Traditional ecological knowledge and hunting of forest fauna, why does it matter for the SDGs? Connecting the dots
– Denise Margaret Matias, Institute for Social-Ecological Research (ISOE) & Non-Timber Forest Products Exchange Programme (NTFP-EP) Asia: Forest-dependent peoples and wildlife consumption bans

Speed-talk session I: “Tropical deforestation – causes, implications and needed measures”
Moderator: Torsten Krause
Lan Wang Erlandsson, Researcher, Stockholm Resilience Centre: Large parts of Amazon rainforest lose resilience under climate change 
– Martin Persson, Chalmers University of Technology: Reducing commodity-driven tropical deforestation –  Political feasibility and ‘theories of change’ for EU policy options
– Paula Andre Sánchez García
, Stockholm Resilience Centre: Understanding Land Speculation as a driver of deforestation in the Northern Colombian Amazon

Contested and polarized issues – how to communicate complexity?
Moderator: Linda Hansson
Aida Bargués Tobella, Swedish university of Agricultural Sciences, SLU
– Elisabeth Simelton,
World Agroforestry Vietnam
– Lan Wang Erlandsson, Researcher, Stockholm Resilience Centre
– Speaker TBC

Speed-talk session II: “Land-use, livelihoods and rights”
Moderator: Harry Fischer (TBC)
– Stephen Woroniecki,
Linköping University (Tema M /CSPR) and Oxford University (Nature-based Solutions Initiative): Biodiversity and Justice – Exploring the Epistemic Tensions
– Minda Holm
, Stockholm Resilience Centre: Indigenous rights, claims and contestations in the changing forest-agriculture landscapes in South-East Asia – A literature review
– Linda Engström
, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences SLU: What are the impacts of cancelled development projects?

Day 2: November 5, 10:00-12:15 and 13:30-14:15

Research-policy-practice dialogue on “The super-year for nature and people”
Moderator: TBC
 – Jan Wärnbäck, Senior Policy Specialist Environment and Climate, Sida
 – Anton Anderssson, Forest Policy Advisor, Swedish Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation
 – Speaker TBC

Speed-talk session III: “People at the center of restoration and sustainable landscape management”
Moderator: Hanna Sinare (TBC)
– Ylva Nyberg
, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences SLU: Use, effectiveness and disadvantages of agroforestry – Kenyan case
– Rosa Goodman,
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences SLU: Value generation is the key to scaling restoration and management
– Lila Nath Sharma, ForestAction Nepal: A framework for ecologically informed invasive species management and forest restoration
– Harry Fischer, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences SLU: Effects of afforestation on rural livelihoods and land cover: Evidence from 40 years’ tree plantations in northern India
– Dil Bahadur Khatri
, South Asia Institute of Advanced Studies: Lessons from research-policy-practice lab methodology in the local water management sector in Himalayas


Additional networking session: Planting seeds for deeper collaboration
Group discussions within thematic areas

  • Ecosystem restoration, climate and livelihoods
    incl. speed-talk by Gert Nyberg, SLU, on the Formas project Drylands Transform: Pathways and challenges towards a social-ecological transformation of landscapes, livestock and livelihoods.
  • Tackling deforestation and biodiversity loss while ensuring livelihoods and rights
  • Networking session open for other themes