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13 September 2023

LARRI Webinar: Presentations of Current Land Rights Research

Photo: Flore de Preneuf / World Bank

The Land Rights Research Initiative start the Autumn term by taking the chance to update ourselves on each other’s land rights research. This includes projects in all phases from drawing board, to application, to implementation.


The five short presentations listed below will each followed by a short discussion. We will then invite ad hoc updates from participants before concluding with a more general discussion about current land rights research gaps and research agendas.


1. Patrik Oscarsson (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) What future for coal lands in India?

2. Emma Johansson (Lund University) Using participatory art to illustrate the past, present and future of agrarian change

3. Margareta Espling (University of Gothenburg), Randi Kaarhus (Norwegian University of Life Sciences) & Carla Braga (Eduardo Mondlane University) Transforming matrilineal land rights? Agricultural intensification and land regularization in Northern Mozambique

4. Robin Biddulph (University of Gothenburg) Evasion revisited: Land titling and community forestry in Cambodia

5. Juliana Porsani (Linköping University) Cancelled land deals and responsible land relinquishment in Mozambique

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 749 485 8819

Read the invitation here.

Contact: Margareta Espling; Robin Biddulph



From 13 September 2023 at 13:00 to 13 September 2023 at 15:00

