We have gathered some extra reading and inspiration on topics of importance to the SIANI expert groups. The page is continuously updated.
Monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL)
SIANI: Introduction to theory of change thinking in agriculture development
Ask the Author: Leveraging networks to transform food systems
How Theory of Change can be a pathway to impact: three takeaways
5 ways you can use science communication to change our food systems for the better – SIANI
Media engagement training for researchers: SIANI & AgriFoSe 2030
Five rules for evidence communication: Nature
Nicholas Kristof’s Advice for Saving the World
Later is too late to act on climate change: Messaging
Rights-based approaches
Human Rights Based Approach | Sida
Addressing biodiversity and livelihood protection with a human rights-based approach
Empowering change: exploring strategies for gender equality in the realm of food security
Advancing gender justice in agrifood systems
The Status of Women in Agrifood Systems: FAO
Inclusive conversations – a human-rights based approach to biodiversity